Abstract Gold Detail Cards - goprintplus

Detail Cards

Detail cards will help make your wedding day as perfect and special as it can be. Consequently, they will give your guest all the details of your big day. Because you are sending this, your guest will know everything from dress code to gift registry information. Not to mention, you are taking the time to plan carefully and these will clearly present information to your guest. Furthermore, our one or two-sided card options guarantee all of your information is included. As a matter of fact, it will make your big day go as smoothly as possible. In the event that you include detail cards as part of your wedding invitation suite, you are providing guests with additional information for your celebration. According to tradition, your wedding suite may also include a directions card, rsvp cards , or a reception card. Consequently, if you're planning a very formal event, you may opt to insert one for each item. However, many couples now simply have a card that shares any additional information about the event in one place.

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