Your wedding day is important, therefore, the Bloom Fresh save the date cards are perfect. As a result of using this save the date card, you will inform friends and family about your special day. Whatever the season, these save the date cards will give guests a glimpse into the celebration ahead. Save the date cards tell when and where your wedding will be, consequently giving guests time to save the date. The save the date card also lets them know that a formal invitation will be sent at a later date.
Are you in the process of planning your wedding? If so, you may be wondering what save the date cards are and if you really need them. Save the date cards are sent out in advance of your wedding day so guests can save the date. While Save the Dates are not required, they are a nice way to give your guests a heads up about your upcoming nuptials. Here’s a look at some of the reasons why you might want to consider sending out save the date cards.